Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Learning to rest

So growing up I think I had to two hardest working people on the planet as parents. I remember often hearing, "if you don't work, you don't eat." or "Go to the ant you sluggard!" They did an excellent job of teaching me, and all of my siblings, that working hard was not only a requirement, but a command from the Lord. I had a lot of responsibility growing up, and wouldn't change it for the world. I learned how to be a wife and mommy watching my mom serve us tirelessly every day (and she still does =). My dad would work hard all day at his job and then come home and work and serve all evening for his family. I hope I can teach my children to be diligent workers that love and serve others well.
With all of that said, my life is full of "work." I could fill every minute of my day doing something and I still wouldn't get it all done. It overwhelms me sometimes! Lately, I feel like God has been gently reminding me that rest is also important. The sweet moments I could (and should) take advantage of each day will make many more lasting impressions on my children than getting all the laundry folded are having the house picked up. I'm trying to learn to sit and "rest" with my children. Whether that means sitting and doing a puzzle with Cole, reading to Cooper, having a tea party with Bailey Kate, just sitting and cooing with Jude, or sitting and reading a book quietly with Clay...all of these things renew my soul and bless my family. My family won't remember if the laundry was always done, but they will remember if I chose to take time to "rest" and enjoy life with them. I think because my parents did such a good job of teaching me to work hard I sometimes have to remind myself that taking time to rest physically and spiritually is just as important...Here are some pictures of how we have been "resting" lately...
Ice cream truck treats and chatting with Mommy
I learned BK is quite good at puzzles and loves to high five and do a little dancce when she's done =)
A little painting while the bubbas were at school
Frozen yogurt with Daddy and the kids (sorry, it's a little was craziness!)

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