So, this may come as a shock, but this parenting thing is hard work! Lately, I've been thinking a lot about my children and entitlement. On one hand I LOVE to see my children happy. I LOVE watching them experience new things. I do NOT love watching my children turn into little spoiled, self serving, narcissistic, entitled little human beings. How do you find a balance between having fun and blessing your kids with an awesome childhood without turning them into little brats? I think and pray about this often. Growing up we didn't have tons of money. Somehow my parents did a great job of giving me an amazing childhood, but they also taught me that this world does not revolve around me (or any of my other siblings). I remember, vividly, my brother getting a pack of underwear (I think he was 5), he was SO excited...who gets excited about underwear? He did! He was so grateful and I remember watching my other siblings enjoy the moment with him. It's kind of a weird memory, but I love it because I think it paints a beautiful picture of thankfulness. Somehow my parents taught me to be servant hearted and to "think of others as more important than myself."One thing my parents did, intentional or not, was that when someone got something not everyone got something. I remember hearing my mom say if any of us were struggling with sitting empty handed "rejoice with those who rejoice." (Don't get me wrong, I fail at this every day...probably every minute!) At the time, in my ungrateful grumpy state, I thought "what the heck does that even mean!?!" Now I say it to my kids....I get it. My kids are so blessed, like ridiculously blessed, so, Clay and I are being intentional at "giving" our kids opportunities to be happy for their siblings when they don't get the same thing the other got. THIS IS HARD. Partly because I don't like to see my kids sad, on the other hand I hate seeing their wicked heart exposed, and boy does it get exposed! We are far from getting this right, but I pray each day that, by God's grace, my children will grow up to see beyond themselves and desire to serve and bless others. I pray that my children would learn to be kind and gentle hearted and be able to "rejoice with those who rejoice." As I write this I am convicted that I must be an example in my behavior. They must see me be grateful in my words and actions....The Nettles all have a lot of work to do =)

My crazy kids at a recent disney blessed!
Me with all my siblings the day abby was born....I LOVE being part of a big family.
She cray! All her loot from a recent shopping trip with Nina (Clay's mom).
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