So one of these days I'll get around to blogging about Jude's birthday in June and Cole's birthday on August day =) But today I'm going to blog about our afternoon. I have been promising the kids a trip to the library (you can walk to it from our house) for a few days, but since it has stormed every afternoon we haven't been able to go. Today when everyone got up from "rest time" I told the kids we could go to the library if we hurried because it looked like it was about to rain. I was praying it would hold off long enough for our little didn't! Torrential downpour just as we pulled in. I told the kids that we were going to wait in the car for a few minutes and see if the storm would pass. Currently, we are driving in a car with no A/C...long story =) so as I sat in our steamy car grumbling in my head about the rain, my car full of crazy, noisy kids and wondering why we didn't just stay would have been much easier for me! But the Lord gently reminded me of how I constantly scold the kids about complaining and tell them to "change their face" to reflect a "happy heart". Clearly I was not obeying the family rules =) So, with a quick prayer for patience I told the kids to get ready for an adventure! We all ran into the rain, got soaked, and went to the library as promised. We read books, played some computer games and picked out our books for the week. As we were walking back out to the car it started pouring again, and by the time we got to our house the flood gates opened. We ran, screamed and giggled through the rain, got inside, put on our warm, dry pajamas and looked through our loot. As they were sitting reading Cole said, "mom, that was a great day, I love you!" Makes all the work, mess, and chaos worth it! Though my afternoon didn't go quite as planned the Lord is so gracious to remind me that I am what my children watch and learn from. I'm so grateful He is patient with me as I am slow to learn. What a treasure my little people are and I'm so blessed and grateful for the adventures i get to have with them each day.

Jude making a run for it!
Reading through out new books in our dry pj's (BK wanted to wear one of my shirts with her frilly pink skirt...crazy girl! And apparently Jude is doing yoga with his bear =)
That's a great story!! I cried when I read Cole's words "that was a great day." I'll have to remember this whenever something like it inevitably happens to me in the future.