My family was up for about a week. We got to go to the beach one day. It was really windy, but tons of fun. It was Jude's first "mobile" trip to the beach, he was very busy crawling around and eating lots of sand. I LOVE living so close to the beach! I can't wait for many more beach days this spring and summer.

Jude loves Uncle Trey

Snuggles with "Uncie"

Wednesday Cole decided he didn't want to go to Kid's Praise (a little choir class at Nina's church) so Nina took Bailey Kate and Cooper and I took Jude and Cole. I needed to go to Jacksonville to do a big grocery run at BJ's (yes, we are now a family that consumes so much food we buy in bulk) and I also wanted to go to Once Upon a Child to get Jude some new clothes. He is so chunky in the waist I had to get him some new pants that didn't give him a terrible muffin top. As we were sitting at dinner and Cole and I were chatting he told me, "Mom, we're on a date, you are my date." It melted my heart and made me so grateful for these sweet moments I get with my kids. I also realized that night that Cole NEVER stops talking, moving, yelling, etc. I decided that he easily contributes to 85% of the chaos in our house.
We have been working a lot on keeping a routine and implementing chores with the kids. In the evenings one of Cooper's chores is to "babysit" Jude while I make dinner. He does such a good job and is so sweet and gentle with Jude. I'm so proud of my little people!

That is so sweet that Coop watches Jude!! I'll have to start having him do that ;P