Oh how I love this little man!!!He is so much fun. I can't believe he is already 7 months old! As you can see he LOVES his tongue...he sticks it out every time he smiles. He is such a charmer. He still loves his bath, his brothers and sisters, eating LOTS of big boy food, and being held. He has started "fake" giggling at random things. It makes me laugh which makes him laugh for real. He has also discoverd blowing raspberries...he does it all the time! I think he is cutting his top teeth, which means he likes me to hold and snuggle him all the time. Being the 4th child makes that impossible though =) He is learning to sit on the floor and play with his toys. He is still trying to crawl, but he usually just ends up scooting across the room backwards. Jude got to go with us to New York City with us to for some much needed R&R. He is a perfect traveler, flirts with all of the flight attendents, smiles at all the grumpy people passing by (which always makes them smile), and just being a sweetie.

My other little people are growing so fast also. Right before Christmas Bailey Kate slapped me in the FACE because we were leaving the park. I asked her, in shock, "did you slap me?" She proudly responed "YES!" Let's just say after that little incedent dicipline was a very consistent thing in BK's life. I'm happy to report she is doing SO much better. Her preschool teacher even commented that she seemed to "grow up" over the break =) She has also graduated to "unnerwears"...that's right....she is potty trained! Only 1 kid in diapers is AWESOME (and tons cheaper). She now has 2 favorite dresses, the ugliest dresses we own, that she begs to wear EVERY day! We have been able to strike a compromise and she wears what mommy picks out in the morning and after naps she can change into her "dess."

Cole is his father's clone. Let's just say he is the class clown and NEVER stops talking! He still has his "special" friend Reagan at school. The other day he asked Bailey Kate if he could have one of her rings to give to Reagan. I asked him why he was giving her a ring and he replied, "because it will make her like me!" He gave her the ring the next day and I asked him how it went. He said,"She loved it and said said thank you!" I saw Reagan and her mom the next day walking into school and the mom thought it was so cute and Reagan was actually wearing the ring. I told her to stick with the jewelers =) My little ladies man....be still my heart!

My sweet Cooper! He is such an old soul. His heart is already so inclined to Jesus. We listen to books on tape when we ride in the car, he always asks the definition of words and has just started telling me the definitions of the words. The other day we were riding in the car and he said, "Mom, when we go to heaven we will be new." I said,"that's right" He then said, "I think big nanny and little nanny should go to heaven and get new. But not Nina because she is already new." He has the right idea, just a little off =) We are also in the stage where I cringe when we pass certain people because I never know what is going to come out of their mouths. We were walking into school and one of the kids were being walked in by his grandpa. Cooper yelled, "that's a really old daddy." Um ya....
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