Best Buds!
Today also marks 3 years that Cooper became a Nettles. I can't believe it has already been 3 years, he is growing up so much and I can't imagine life without him! Since I don't have it written down anywhere I'm going to try to remember every detail from that day.
I remember waking the boys up with so much excitement...the day had come, no more wondering if something would change at the last minute. We had already had Cooper living with us for 4 months, he was ours. I was also about 4 months pregnant with Bailey Kate and just starting to show. I had found the boys cute matching outfits for our big day. We got them dressed and fed and we were on our way to the courthouse!
Cooper was a surprise (as much as an adoption can be =) We weren't actively looking to adopt. We had been foster parents the year before, but having an emergency c-section with Cole and my gallbladder removed 5 weeks later we asked to not be relicensed. So 9 months later my sweet friend from work (Susanne), who is one of the most amazing women I know, knew we wanted to adopt eventually and for some reason called me (in the middle of me tutoring a little girl), and plainly asked if we wanted to adopt a little boy. After praying that afternoon we felt like this was definitely God placing this sweet child in our lives, so we said yes!
So we got to the courthouse, my parents happened to be out of town because it was their anniversary, but Diane (my awesome MIL) came with us along with some of my siblings. Susanne also met us at the courthouse. We met with our lawyer and signed the papers. While we were waiting Susanne told me that Cooper's biological grandparents, brother and sister were there to get permanent custoday of Roland (Cooper's biological brother). They had decided not to adopt Cooper because he was showing signs of delays (His older sister is very delayed). They felt like at their age they couldn't raise 3 children with 2 having special needs. When I heard they were there I freaked out! Since we had had Cooper he had thrived. He actually walked sooner than Cole, he was eating great, starting to talk a ton, so happy and full of life and energy. Not delayed at all! I was scared they would see MY boy and want him back. Susanne and the lawyer told me that wasn't possible, but I was still petrified.
After they boys ran around for a whild to burn off some energy we went in the court room full of other families. It was November 17, national adoption day, so they expidited a lot of the adoptions so that they would be final on that day. They called us up, we all walked up, held our boys and the judge asked us some questions. I was holding Cole and Clay was holding Cooper, and then they wanted to switch right in the middle. The judge said something along the lines of, "Congratulations, Cooper Owen Nettles is now your son." (there was also some joke that we were going to have our third, 3 kids 2 and under soon) We took our boy and headed out the courthouse doors as parents to 2 sweet boys! I look at Cooper often and think how can I be so blessed to be a part of this little ones story. He is our special little treasure!
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