So Jude will be 3 months old and I'm just getting around to writing his birth story....life as a mom with 4 kids 4 and under! Before I start, here are a few things Jude is up to. He is still my sweet smiley baby. He is just starting to giggle...so cute! He also loves to talk and LOVES his bath. He splashes so much in his little tub everything gets wet =) He is super laid back, but lately he definitely prefers to be held or entertained. Not sure if this is because he has had a little cold for the last week or so or if he is getting a little spoiled. He has just started sitting in the bumbo seat and LOVES it! He I think he likes it so much because he feels big. His brothers and sister still love him tons and are doing a great job of entertaining him if I need a few minutes to get something done. He still loves to eat as evidenced by his chunky rolls and he is still a great sleeper. This month Jude had his first boat trip. He sat on Mimi's lap most of the time, nos skiing for him yet though. He also had is first trip to Sea World. I don't think he was too impressed and I'm sure he didn't enjoy being so hot!
OK, onto his birth story...so, as I said before Jude was our little surprise. When I found out I was pregnant with him I cried, then I cried some more because I would have to tell him I cried when I found out I was pregnant with him. Initially I had planned to drive to Orlando to have him because I wanted to have another VBAC (vaginal birth after Cesarean) and I was told that no one in St Augustine would do one. So when I finally got to the Dr (I thought I was 15 weeks, but I was actually 17 weeks) we found out everything was fine and that we were having another boy. I was convinced I was having a girl because I was sick with Jude in the evening just like I was with Bailey Kate, but I was wrong. As I was driving to Orlando for my 20 week appointment (only my second appointment....oh how things change with a fourth baby) the sweet office manager called and said due to my insurance change the one appointment was going to cost me over 700 dollars! Needless to say I turned around and prayed that the Lord would provide one way or another. A few weeks prior Clay was at our friends house watching a UFC fight and started talking to a local OB, as it turned out he had just opened his own practice and was the only Dr in St Augustine doing VBACs! Long story short everything worked out and he said he would be happy to be my OB.
So at the 15 week ultrasound they determined I was actually 17 weeks (explains how I got pregnant :) My due date changed to June 21...because I have large babies Dr. Dhas decided to induce me a little early. Let's just say recovering from pushing out a 9 lb 3 oz baby was much worse than recovering from a c-section! On June 15 I went in for my 39 week check up. After a non stress test and an ultrasound Dr. Dhas decided I should be induced on June 17! I was so excited! I think I was most scared of this birth because my other 2 were so eventful....I knew too much.
So on June 17 Clay and I got to the hospital at noon ready for our little "dude's" birthday. Now Flagler hospital is no Winnie Palmer! It is very small, but to my surprise I had an awesome experience! I was so well taken care of, and was only 1 of 2 women on the floor! I got all checked in, pitocin started and by 4 o'clock I was 5 cm and begging for an epidural! Those pitocin contractions ain't no joke! Once the epidural was in my mom and Diane (my MIL) came up and started chatting. At about 6 Dr. Dhas came into check and I was 7-8cm...it was definitely going a little slower than I thought it would. The nurses came in a few times to reposition me because Jude was a little too relaxed. At this point any time the nurse walked in I would get a little nervous because I was taken for a C-section so fast with Cole... I was worried they were coming in to do the same with Jude.
At change of shift I found out that my night nurse was a sweet friend that goes to our church. I was so excited! God knew what a blessing that would be. When Catherine came in to check on me and say hi I told her I was feeling a little bit of pressure, but nothing too bad. Right about then Dr. Dhas walked in to check on me because Jude's heart rate wasn't fluctuating as much as he liked. To my surprise I was fully dilated and ready to push! I was kind of in shock! Nothing was set up so the nurses rushed around to get everything ready. At this point I got nervous....this was really happening, I was having another baby! I also started remembering how dramatic BK's birth was...I was trying really hard not to freak out! After about 15 minutes Dr. Dhas took position, I remember telling Clay I was scared and I didn't know if I remembered how to do this. He comforted me and told me everything would be fine. My mom and Diane were over by the couch...bursting with excitement. Well, I pushed for 15 minutes....As I was about to push again Dr. Dhas said to push and listen very carefully for his directions, in a minute he would tell me to stop pushing and breathe. At this point I remember saying, "this is how they do it on a baby story!" (BK got stuck, so when her head came out, instead of breathing and her kind of falling out let's just say it was a little more traumatic. There was a lot of painful pushing involved and then it got kind of chaotic. I remember thinking during all of this that this is NOT how they do it on a baby story =) Well, Jude got a little stuck, but I just breathed and prayed. Dr. Dhas looked at me and said, "do you want to pull your baby out?" I reached down and pulled my sweet Jude onto my belly. The most amazing moment ever!!!! He was messy, pink, plump and screaming...PERFECT! 8lbs 12oz of perfect sweetness. I spent the next 2 days in the hospital snuggling my boy and recovering. The recovery with Jude was exponentially better than with my other two. I was amazed at God's goodness and provision in all the areas of Jude's birth story. He is the perfect addition to our family. Though we don't want any more babies for a LONG time I wouldn't change my sweet little surprise for anything! So here are some pics from the big day...I can't find our camera, but when I do I'll post some more.

Right before we left for the hospital...last photo as a family of 5!

Proof I was having big contractions and ready for an epidural!

Jude Hudson Nettles

Taking in my sweet boy (with all of my arm bands =)

BK meeting Jude for the first time. It was precious! She kept looking at him saying, "that my baby!"
So sweet! Love your family!