My baby is 6 months old!!!! How did that happen!?!? I can't believe he is getting so big. He has been such a joy and such an easy baby I have been savoring and soaking up as much "baby" time as I can. He is already trying to crawl! Since about 5 1/2 months he pulls up on all 4's and rocks back and forth. Cole didn't even attempt this until he was 10 months old! I think we are going to have a mobile baby on our hands soon! He has also mastered sitting up by himself. He LOVES it because he can play with his toys better and I think he just likes to feel big. I started feeding him some solid foods. So far he has had cereal, bananas, and butternut squash. He is only eating 2 times a day (if that) and I have slowed him down a bit because we got a nasty stomach bug and I have been "tanking" him up with breast milk just in case he gets sick. So far he is in the clear, but we shall see. Bath time is his favorite time of the day! He starts kicking and squealing when he hears the bath water running and when he gets in the water he kicks, splashes and squeals the whole time. It is the cutest thing ever!!! He is still a chunky monkey. He is in size 6-9 month (sometimes 12 month) clothes. He is such a happy baby, he squeals and smiles all the time. He just started "fake" laughing when other people around him are laughing...hilarious! He has one little tooth about to poke through on the bottom left. He is still the most loved baby by his siblings (as I sit here and write this BK is hugging and snuggling him while he sits on the floor and plays).
This week has been challenging with all the sickness and it being so close to Christmas. I had grand plans for the week before Christmas and all the fun traditions. My family was going to come extra early, but because of the puking it has been postponed a bit. Yesterday, as I had just finished cleaning up a puking child, I was snuggling 2 little people and watching the other 2 play around me, I felt completely content. Not that I love puking kids (or cleaning it up) but I realized their is no where I would rather be. Puke and all, my life with these little people and my husband is pretty amazing and I wouldn't change it for the world!